Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth

Teaching Sound Biblical Doctrines, helping you be a disciple first, and then make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

At Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth, our programs teach you the whole counsel of God. Our Digital and Distance Courses provide life-changing biblical studies for anyone. We offer over 800 lessons to help you grow in faith, helping you live the gospel in your culture and context.

You Matter At Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth

Our programs are designed for you to be able understand the Holy Scripture in your context. It’s not just a digital learning program, but we engage in real conversations and meeting with each learner during the course of their learning at Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth.

Our Digital Learning Platform Is Quick, Lean, And You-Focused. Our distance learning programs are built with latest technology and tools, coupled with and high-quality production media to deliver excellent content in engaging formats.

A Perfect Place To Learn God’s Word, Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth is a perfect choice for you to attain Seminary Class education without going to a seminary. If you are a lay person, who wants to learn the truth of God’s Word, you are at the right place.

Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth focuses its ministry on providing programs for individuals who aspire to, or who currently serve in, serving and ministry roles so they can become agents of spiritual transformation in the lives of others. Recognizing the critical role that leaders play with respect to how effectively the Church fulfills its God-given call to be a light into the world, Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth gives special emphasis to teaching pastors, counsellors, and related ministry leaders (whether vocational, bi-vocational or avocational).

While this ministry seeks to serve the Church, it is also done in active partnership with the Church because local congregations occupy a unique place of priority in the outworking of God’s redemptive plan. Furthermore, biblical synergy results when the distinctive resources of the seminary and church unite in this equipping task.

Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth also partners with selected parachurch ministries (particularly those organizations that value the local church and honor it in their ministry philosophy and practice) in the equipping of their staff.

Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth offers biblical education for all, even those who simply want to learn the biblical worldview and to know the Lord Jesus Christ.

Know more about Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth here.

Teaching in four locations

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Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth serves as a catalyst and resource for spiritual transformation by working with and for the church to equip men and women for Christian ministry roles in the Indian context.

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Masihi Shiksha Vidyapeeth’s vision is to be an educational community that promotes gospel-centered transformation in every aspect of its life and work for anyone and everyone.