Religious Conversion Policy

Agathosune Association is committed to providing services that uphold Christian values in line with provisions in the Constitution of India and the law of the land. Religious conversion is not against the law because the Constitution guarantees everyone the freedom to practice any religion they want.

Agathosune Association works for and through the propagation of the Christian faith as found in the Holy Bible, without any attempt for religious conversion through inducement or force, either directly or indirectly, from one religion to another.

In India, Articles 25 to 28 of the Indian Constitution provide the basic right to freedom of religion, so it can be said that religious conversion is legal in India. The preamble of the Indian constitution was changed in 1976 to say that India is a secular state, marking the creation of modern India. The Supreme Court of India concluded that India was already a secular state when its constitution was formed. This amendment truly accomplished to state what had previously been stated implicitly in Articles 25 to 28. Every Indian citizen has the freedom to practice peacefully and spread their religion.

People change their religious conversion for various reasons, such as active conversion by free will owing to a change in beliefs, secondary conversion, conversion on one’s deathbed, convenience-related conversion, conversion over marriage, and forced conversion.

According to Article 15 of the Indian Constitution, one of India’s essential rights is the right to practice one’s religion freely. India is a secular nation, and each Indian citizen is free to practice and spread their faith peacefully.

Agathosune Association holds that religious conversion is a matter to be considered under the law, and freedom of religion is listed as one of our essential rights in the Indian constitution, and religious conversion is legal in India. While anyone is free to practice any faith, for a legal conversion, a person must act in provisions of the constitution and the law. A person can legally change his/ her religion by submitting a notarized affidavit, running a newspaper AD, and publishing notice of the switch in the National Gazette. This indicates that changing one’s religion is acceptable in India so long as the decision is made voluntarily and without pressure or force.

Agathosune Association and its members also uphold that a person can be disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ in his or her cultural and social setting, and that no attempt must be made by anyone for religious conversion through inducement or force, either directly or indirectly, from one religion to another.

Agathosune Association acknowledges and stands by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India’s Judgement, the constitutional provisions, and the law of the land.

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